


A Narrative Study of an Intergenerational Learning Project "Miniature Musical: I'm Home" in a Community Care Center




蔡昕璋(Hsin-Chang Tsai)


青銀共學 ; 服務學習 ; 參與式藝術 ; 社會投入式藝術 ; 社區為基的藝術教育 ; intergenerational learning ; service-learning ; participatory art ; socially engaged art ; community-based art education




2期(2019 / 04 / 01)


1 - 34






This paper discusses how artist-teachers promote an intergenerational learning project "Miniature Musical: I'm home" in a community care center in Taipei City with narrative studies. It aims at understanding how the pedagogies of "service-learning", "participatory art", "socially engaged art", and "community-based art education" motivate senior citizens' and university students' aesthetic competency and civic literacy. From the perspectives of art directors, the researcher clarifies the trajectories of the activity, cooperation, conflicts, transformations, growth and empowerment. With in-depth descriptions and dialogues on relevant theories and literature, this study found that the meanings of this project lie in "promoting transforms", "creating connections", and "reopening the relationships" between participants. Finally, the researcher would like to share such successful experiences with artist-teachers and students of the same background.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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