


Exploring the Experience and Challenges of Community Organizations in College Service-learning Curriculum




丁姵元(Pei-Yuan Ting);劉秀宜(Hsiu-Yi Liu);蔡文鈞(Wen-Chun Tsai)


互惠 ; 服務學習 ; 服務機構 ; reciprocity ; service learning ; community partners




5期(2022 / 04 / 01)


23 - 47






Recently, service learning has gradually played an important part in higher education. In the process, a community organization has played a significant role. However, there is little research that discusses community organizations' contribution to service learning. The aim of this paper is to explore the challenges and experience of twenty-two community organizations that have been heavily involved in service learning, through in-depth interviews. The research showed that most of the interviewers hoped students would have genuine wish to serve, learn from the serving experience, recognize the mission and purpose of service learning, and build up long-term relationship. They also realized that students' limited motivation and skill, disrespectful attitude, as well as organizations' limited resources and lack of authorities are the major challenges they face. In order to solve the problem, the research suggests that internal consensus and leadership training within an organization are the first step. And they also need to have realistic expectation toward the students' skill and focus on the students' attitude and the process of service rather than on the result. Moreover, building up good relationship with the teachers is also essential. In order to decide their role and power in the course, continuous communication and coordination with the teachers are necessary. The teachers are their working partners in the process of leading the students. Besides, geographic relations and long-term cooperation are some practical ways to build up mutual trust and reciprocity relationship with the teachers. In term of motivating the students, delegation, autonomy, and peer group dynamic can be useful. In order to achieve the goal of win-win situation, it is suggested to actively ask for the teachers' intervention and help in the process when necessary.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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