


A Review of the South Korean Historical Teleplay Studies




邵磊(SHAO, Lei)


史劇研究 ; 韓國歷史電視劇 ; 李丙勳 ; 朱昌潤 ; 文化研究 ; Study of Historical Teleplays ; the South Korean Historical Teleplays ; LEE Byung-hoon ; JOO Chang-yun ; Cultural Studies




41期(2018 / 04 / 01)


101 - 136






Research indicates that there are less than 5 related books and over 300 related papers in the study of South Korean historical teleplays, which is briefly referred as "study of historical teleplays" in this paper, and all of them focus on the individual case analysis. Since the study directions of historical teleplays are widely distributed in the humanities, and there are no fixed study objects and methods, the study of historical teleplays cannot form a single discipline, but become a humanities research collection, which can be regarded as a sort of "cultural studies". According to the author’s summary of related studies on the historical teleplays, the research can be roughly divided into four stages, namely: ① the Budding Period (1964~1996), when the historical teleplays are mentioned in monographs, instead of only comments; ② the Rising Period (1997~2004), when the first research works of historical teleplays is born; ③ the Flourishing Period (2005~2010), when studies of historical teleplays of various disciplines are blooming; and ④ the Reviewing Period (2011~present), when the study of historical teleplays starts to retrospect. In this paper, characteristics of the historical teleplays in each period are discussed in accordance with their different times and different areas, and 44 research achievements, which are groundbreaking, representative, or have milepost significance, are selected to be introduced, attempting to present a complete picture of the South Korean historical teleplay studies systematically and to evaluate and position their current situation and stage from a macro angle.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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