The languages of different ethnic groups under long-term contact inevitably influence one another. Aside from the more frequent lexical borrowing, such influence may also induce systematic changes in the grammar. Asia is the hotbed of the world's classifier languages, where the majority of classifier languages follow a base-final [n base] order in numerals, e.g., san-bai 'three hundred' in Chinese, and also a classifier-final [numeral classifier] order, e.g., san-zhi 'three C-animal'. A harmonization between base and classifier in terms of word order thus obtains and the few rare exceptions all occur in Tibeto-Burman (TB), where base-initial and classifier-initial orders are also attested (Her et al. 2015, Her et al. to appear).This study focuses on two special cases in TB, Sunwar and Rabha, and closely examines the double word orders of numeral bases and classifiers and discusses the implications in terms of language change. We propose that such double word orders indicate that the numeral systems and classifier systems are in transition due to language contact, and also note in particular that, even in this unstable stage where the indigenous system and the borrowed system are in competition, harmonization between base orders and classifier orders is still observed in these two languages. We thus contend that the variation of word orders in numeral systems and classifier systems within TB can be attributed to language contact and that the base-classifier harmonization in word order can be seen as a language universal.
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