


Ethnos and Status of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples: The Interaction Between Ethnic Movements and Theories of Ethnos




周士煌(TSIU Su-hong)


民族運動 ; 民族認同 ; 民族認定 ; 傳統名字 ; 台灣原住民族 ; Ethnic Movement ; Ethnic identity ; Ethnic certification ; Traditional Name ; Taiwan Indigenous Peoples




43期(2019 / 04 / 01)


5 - 36






This essay, is founded on related researches of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples' "certification and identity" and "traditional naming", firstly observes the tendency of the theses on the related subject; the discourse then emphasizes on the theories of ethnos over the two topics, the debate attributed to policy practice, and the interaction between research and ethnic movements. The theses, occurring later than real events. Researches done by the scholars, by contrast, could reflect the reality much better. However, there are some misunderstanding of the theories of "indigenous status" and "ethnic certification". In a modern state, a person has different rights and obligations from other citizens due to his ethnic status; therefore, one's ethnic status and his ethnic classification both require certification. There are subjective/objective standards in ethnic certification according to ethnological theories. From the Thao in 2001, followed by the Kavalan, the Truku, the Sakizaya, the Seediq, and until the newly certified Kanakanavu and Hla'alua in 2014, the ethnic certifications being as ethnic development, had all been participated by the Center for Aboriginal Studies of NCCU, which had drawn clear boundaries of the ethnic groups academically. However, 18 years after law amendment, merely 4% of indigenous people in Taiwan have changed their traditional name; ironically, while the "Name Rectification Movement" over thirty years ago. Although there are also some scholars of ethnology who still concern about the issue of traditional naming, under the social circumstances and unclear policies, the attention to the traditional naming's issue is insufficient and its future development remains to be observed.

主题分类 人文學 > 人類學及族群研究
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