


Development and Application of Digital Humanities Research Platform for Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's Writings




陳志銘(Chih-Ming Chen);張鐘(Chung Chang);徐志帆(Chih Fan Hsu)


數位人文 ; 文本探勘 ; 資訊視覺化 ; 羅家倫先生文存 ; 概念史 ; digital humanities ; text mining ; information visualization ; Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's Writings ; conceptual history




5期(2020 / 04 / 01)


73 - 115




國立政治大學圖書館於2018年開始著手建置「羅家倫先生文存數位人文研究平臺」,希望此一平臺能有效輔助人文學者透過遠讀(distant reading)和近讀(close reading)兩種途徑,進行基於文本閱讀與輔助分析之數位人文研究。平臺功能包含友善之圖文閱讀介面,並搭配基於中文斷詞(Chinese word segmentation)及鏈結資料(linked data)自動進行文本標註之輔助閱讀工具,亦有後設資料檢索、全文檢索、檢索後分類、雙詞檢索及檢索詞彙分布之資訊視覺化分析等功能,增進人文學者解讀與分析文本內容之效率。此外,由於《羅家倫先生文存》的文章具有時序之特性,因此本平臺亦基於概念史和資訊技術發展觀點變遷與年代劃分工具,希望能幫助人文學者探討具時序性文本中概念隨著時間的變遷狀況,並協助劃分成適當的時期進行觀察,以探查《羅家倫先生文存》中的概念或觀點變化。未來除了持續優化系統與使用者介面功能外,將持續開發諸如個人資源典藏庫、人物社會網絡分析、實體命名識別等新功能,並嘗試將此一數位人文研究平臺應用於輔助人文學科的教學中,促進數位人文教育的發展。


The National Chengchi University Library began to develop a digital humanities research platform for Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's writings since 2018. This platform provides several basic functions, including a convenient and user-friendly reading interface with the support of an automatic text annotation tool based on Chinese word segmentation and linked data, metadata search, full-text search, single and double words search, post-query classification, and information visualization analysis tool, to support digital humanities research. It aims to assist digital humanists to efficiently read or analyze the contents of Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's Writings through distant reading and close reading. Moreover, the texts of Mr. Lo Chia-Lun's Writings were aligned with time. This characteristic inspired us to develop an advanced function called Observation Tool of Viewpoint Migration and Age Division (OTVMAD) that can assist digital humanists to observe the concept change or migration with time based on dividing the texts into appropriate periods on this digital humanities platform. In addition to optimizing the functions and user interface of this platform, our future work will keep on developing more new functions, such as personal resource archives, character social network analysis, name entity recognition as well as try to apply this digital humanities research platform to assist digital humanities' instruction.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
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