In this study, we define the term "parallel reading" as "the action of placing the corresponding sections of multiple texts together so that researchers can read content and compare texts." This simple action is actually an extremely important and frequently used data sorting method in humanities research. Among the studies in the field of Buddhism, "parallel reading" is an important way to understand the teachings of the Buddha. When the early research tools were relatively underdeveloped, it was very difficult to "contrast" and "compare" multiple documents or multiple languages. In recent years, because traditional editing methods have been unable to meet the needs of researchers for reading the literature, there have been many electronic Buddhist scriptural resources with "parallel reading" as the main feature, but the existing resources are the results of specific research teams. They are not aimed at providing an editing platform for the textual literature produced by researchers. Therefore, driven by this demand, the team has produced the "DEDU Editor" to meet the needs of researchers for the production of parallel reading documents. In addition to the intuitive user interface, the platform has the advantage of being easy to use, and its joint collaboration and instant sharing features allow a group of researchers to jointly complete the work of preparing the text, and immediately share the results with other researchers. In this paper, we start from the needs of humanities research for reading, analyze the different appearances of the previous document readers, and then summarize the functional requirements of the document reading production platform tools, and finally explain our experience with the DEDU's practical application, and demonstrate of the functions of the existing system and evaluate the results of its operation.
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