In 1922, the European Chinese Communist Organizations (ECCO) were established in France. The ECCO includes two groups, the Chinese Communist Party Branch in Europe, and the Chinese Communist Youth League in Europe. Members of the organization included some of the most famous Chinese revolutionary leaders, such as Zhou Enlai, Zhao Shiyan, Deng Xiaoping, Nie Rongzhen, Zhu De, Cai Chang, Li Fuchun, etc. This article examines the organization and its leaders using an integrated historical analysis. The article uses two new sources of materials that include two rounds of oral history interviews conducted in mainland China in 1985 and 1990; and the "Chinese Biographical Database" (CBD) created by the author. The analysis of the 188 ECCO members undertaken in this paper is based on this database. The article includes three aspects: 1. An introduction of basic materials, including a discussion of the interviews and the CBD details; 2. Briefly describe the formation process of the ECCO, especially from the views of the three earliest secretaries who influenced the ECCO- Zhao Shiyan, Zhou Enlai, and Ren Zhuoxuan; 3. The utilization of quantitative analytical methods (such as dendrograms and network analysis) allows a more deep analysis of the relationship between groups and individuals in history and their significance. The combination of these three approaches demonstrates the potential of an integrated historical analysis.
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