


Analysis of the Specification Regarding Recovery of the Subject Matter of the Contract after the Termination of Contract -Based on German Civil Code Article 346




陳忠將(Chung-Chuan Chen)


解除契約 ; 原物返還 ; 價額償還 ; 風險分配 ; 使用利益之償還 ; The Rescission of the Contract ; The Return of the Original Given Subject ; Compensation ; The Allocation of the Risk ; The Compensation about the Benefits of the Use from the Payed Original Subject




64期(2018 / 06 / 01)


183 - 245






According to German Civil Code Article 346, when either one party anticipates to repudiate the contract or both parties agree to terminate the contract, but one party has already paid, the contract will revert the contractual relationship back to its original contract. Some interpret it as an elimination of debt stated by the original contract. According to this interpretation, a contract that is void at the time of formation and a contract that is terminated after it is formed have the same effect. However, another view is that the termination of the contract does not eliminate the original contract. Instead, it just changes the content of the original contract so that the debt remains, and the original debt obligations is only eliminated as the result of the termination. As for the provisions of Article 346 of the German Civil Code, when the contract is terminated, the parties to the contract shall return the original accepted payment to the other party. If the original subject matter cannot be returned, according to the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article, the party shall repay with the same amount, and in some cases, according to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article, exempt from the repayment under various circumstances. Based on the current German Civil Code, when the contract is terminated, Article 346 can act as the basis for distribution of risk of loss among parties when the subject matter of the contract can no longer be reinstated.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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