


The Theoretical Basis and Protection of Shareholder's Right




王志誠(Chih-Cheng Wang);許光承(Guang-Cheng Hsu)


股東權 ; 公司理論模型 ; 公司社區論 ; 團體生產理論 ; 代理關係模式 ; 多重義務模型 ; 股東行動主義 ; 少數股東權 ; 固有權 ; 共益權 ; Shareholder's Rights ; Model of Corporate Theory ; Communitarian ; Team. Product Theory ; Agent Model ; Multi-Fiduciary Model ; Shareholder Activism ; Minority Shareholder's Right ; Inherent Right ; Common Benefit Right




67期(2019 / 12 / 01)


41 - 84






Recently, as a result of the expansion of board's power, promotion of corporate governance and shareholder activism, enhancing and protecting shareholder's rights has become a trend of legislative evolution in developed countries, corporate law incorporates lots of additional shareholder's rights. As a shareholder of the company, the shareholder is investing in the company based on the expectation of profit, and the company has been able to carry out its business after it has raised the funds from the shareholders. As the main object of corporate financing, if the shareholder's rights protection system is not prepared or poorly implemented, then the investors will lose their trust, and thus hinder the national economic development. Therefore, how to improve the concept and connotation of shareholder rights, so that the shareholders can obtain real protection of rights is essential. This paper starts from the model of corporate theories, classifies and deduces the theoretical nature of shareholders rights. Additionally, it will analyze the shareholder's rights on the standard theory, and emphasize the balance of interests in the legal design. Finally, it also expounds the necessary content and adjustment principles for the protection of the shareholder's rights. The main purpose of this paper is to build a complete blueprint of substantive protection for the rights of shareholders, and to be the cornerstone for deepening the study of corporate law theory in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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