The member states of the European Union (EU) signed the Treaty of Lisbon after the failure of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe to reconstruct treaties of European Union. Article 50 of the revised Treaty on the European Union inherits article I-60 of the Constitutional Treaty and expressly recognizes the unilateral withdrawal right of EU member states from the EU and solves the long-standing problem of permission to withdraw from the EU. It therefore became an indicative legislation of the European integration under European Union regime. However, it is questionable, if it conflicts with the ideology of European integration. How to interpret the details of its provisions is also controversial. After the Brexit referendum, these disputes have become even more noticeable and are necessary to clarify. In this regard, this thesis considers that it is helpful to observe article 50 of the Treaty on the European Union and to construct a legal dogmatic reasoning more accurately from the historical and theoretical origins of European integration. Therefore, this thesis tries to analyze from the perspective of European integration, how disputes over the different paths of the European integration affect our interpretation and evaluation of the constituent elements and procedural requirements of this provision and tries to further explore the significance of this provision for European integration based on the discussion of its legal dogmas.
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