


An Analysis on Common Core State Standards Initiative of the United States of America




詹紹威(David Chan)


共同核心州課程標準 ; 美國教改 ; CCSSI政策 ; Common Core State Standards ; educational reform of USA ; CCSSI polices




8卷2期(2012 / 06 / 30)


183 - 202




《有教無類法》法案(No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, NCLBA)簽署後,2002年各州為了逃避學生學業成績未達標準會遭受嚴厲懲罰,紛紛降低要求標準,使得1994年所訂的全國標準權威性和實效性大打折扣。2006年PISA(Programme for International Student Assessment)成績公告後,美國學生的科學與數學素養的測評結果表現均低於OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development)國家的平均水準。因此,2010年6月2日美國全國州長協會(National Governors Association, NGA)和各州教育長官委員會(Council of Chief State School Officers, CCSSO)設立全國統一的「共同核心數學和英語州立標準」定稿並公布,其目的在統一美國K-12年級課程標準,以確保學生做好「升學和就業的準備」,從而提升美國在國際上的競爭力。本文依據文獻、文本分析與個案研究法等方式探究,參酌美國政府與相關教育團體的文件、期刊與有關研究,探討美國推廣課程標準的研制、推動與經驗,可作為臺灣推動「12年國民基本教育」制定各階段學力測驗之參考。


Those states who reduced the educational standards for avoiding the discipline of The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 in the United States of America (USA). Therefore, the authority and effectiveness of The National Educational Standards in 1994 slightly decreased. In 2006, student performance on the Programme for International Student Assessment in the United States of America was below the average of Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. For above reasons, National Governors Association and The Council of Chief State School Officers claimed: to enforce the Common Core State Standards for K-12 students in June 2, 2010, in order to insure the competitiveness of the USA, which lays a solid foundation for each student in the future. The analysis discusses the issues of the Common Core State Standards Initiative of the United States of America by the intertextual analysis of literature, government documents, (electronic) periodicals, journals, case studies and the results of the study. Such practices and polices carry important references for the enterprises of 12-years basic education in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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