


Discussion and Reflection on the Copenhagen Process in Europe




于承平(Cheng-Ping Yu);林俞均(Yu-Jun Lin)


終身學習 ; 職業教育與訓練 ; 哥本哈根進程 ; 品質保證 ; lifelong learning ; vocational education and training ; Copenhagen process ; quality assurance




8卷3期(2012 / 09 / 30)


199 - 232






The article through literature review and document analysis method explores the EU Copenhagen process - the process of lifelong learning vocational education and training, strengthening of closer cooperative relations among nations. According to the four points aggressive strategy, a non-formal and informal lifelong learning achievements recognition mechanism, the development of career portfolios for lifelong learning passport, actively building industry and required personnel for the National Qualifications Framework and blending quality assurance mechanisms into vocational education and training are discussed. In addition to the above proposal, selfishness should be eliminated from government agencies and academic institutions, active cooperation, and integration into the social and cultural development context should be promoted, to take forward in line with Taiwan's national conditions required for vocational education and training based life-long education and training policy, in order to achieve excellent basis for the development of both innovative education and training strategy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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