


I Write therefore I Am: A Study of the Implementation of Case Writing in Educational Administration and Leadership Program




陳成宏(Cheng-Hung Chen)


案例撰寫 ; 案例教學法 ; 教育行政與領導 ; case writing ; case method ; educational administration and leadership




8卷3期(2012 / 09 / 30)


61 - 90






In recent years, the pedagogy of case writing has being increasingly adopted in enhancing the teaching in the educational administrators and leaders preparation program. Employing a qualitative action research methodology, this study investigated the field of educational administration and leadership program where the author has served, incorporating the case writing into the instructional process, developing the direction of curriculum, and monitoring how it affects cohorts' leadership skills and intelligences. Based on the results, the new understanding of cohorts emerged in the three themes of "multiple framework thoughts," "dialogue between theory and practice," as well as "diachronic and synchronic reflection." This study concluded by proposing several suggestions for educators and researchers in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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