


The Study of Academic Entitlement: Development of Measurement Scale and the Relationships between Relational Variables among Taiwan University Students- Eight Colleges in North and Central Taiwan as an Example




洪福源(Fu-Yuan Hong);邱素玲(Su-Lin Chiu);鄭光燦(Kuang-Tsan Cheng)


學業應得權益感 ; 外控信念 ; 人格 ; 自尊 ; 父母教養方式 ; academic entitlement ; external locus of control beliefs ; personality ; self esteem ; parenting style




8卷4期(2012 / 12 / 31)


141 - 174






In higher education in the United States, academic entitlement has been regarded as an important educational issue in recent years. However, academic entitlement measurement tools and concepts have some shortcomings. So far the research of analyzing the relationships between academic entitlement in domestic university students is lacking. This study will develop university students' academic entitlement scale, and verify the reliability and validity of this scale for the reference of teaching and related research. There were 916 university students that participated in this study and the findings are as following: (1) three latent variables contain "exploitative academic entitlement", "non-exploitative academic entitlement", and "individual academic entitlement". The first order and the second order confirmatory factor analysis as well as observation data showed the best fit.; (2) university students have a middle degree of academic entitlement; (3) academic entitlement had significantly positive relationships with external locus of control beliefs, social extraversion, inferiority, nervousness, anxiety, depression and parenting style; (4) male students would perceive more exploitative academic entitlement, non-exploitative academic entitlement, individual academic entitlement and total academic entitlement than female students. Based on the findings of this study, discussion and suggestions were made for practical work for the school and for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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