


The Construction and Application of Psychological Capital Scale for College Students




余民寧(Min-Ning Yu);陳柏霖(Po-Lin Chen);湯雅芬(Ya-Fen Tang)


心理資本 ; 結構方程式模型 ; 交叉驗證 ; 情緒幸福感 ; 臺灣憂鬱症量表 ; psychological capital ; structural equation model ; cross-validation ; emotional well-being ; Taiwan Depression Scale




8卷4期(2012 / 12 / 31)


19 - 52






The purpose of this study was to confirm a second-order four factor model of college students' psychological capital and then evaluate the quality of this self-reported scale. Data in Study 1 were collected from a sample of 1,126 college students. The sample was used to examine the factor structure of the scale by confirmatory factor analysis, cross-validation analysis, criterion-related validity, and rating scale model. Data in Study 2 were collected from an efficient sample of 1,540 college students which was used to examine the factor structure of the scale by confirmatory factor analysis. Competing models were established and evaluated. The findings can be summarized as follows: 1. According to the confirmatory factor analysis, the results supported that psychological capital was composed of four latent factors, named as "self-efficacy", "hope", "resilience", and "optimism". 2. The cross-validation analysis with split-half samples showed well constructed stability model. 3. This study adopted the emotional well-being scale as an external criterion for validity confirmation. The results showed the psychological capital had significant relationship with the emotional well-being. 4. The different levels in psychological capital have significant differences in depression. Finally, several suggestions were proposed for future studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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