


The Significance and Critical Issues in the 'Flipped Classroom' in the Digital Age




蔡瑞君(Jui-Chun Tsai)


翻轉教室 ; 批判教育學 ; 賦權增能教室 ; 數位時代課程與教學 ; Flipped Classroom ; critical pedagogy ; Empowering Classroom ; curriculum and instruction in the digital age




10卷2期(2014 / 06 / 30)


115 - 138






The emergence of the 'Flipped Classroom' signifies how school education is transformed under the digital age. Although the concept of the 'Flipped Classroom' is flourishing, people seldom reflect on the critical issues it poses. In this article, the author first discusses the significance of the 'Flipped Classroom'. Second, the author investigates how the 'Flipped Classroom' could be a turning point for implementing the ideal 'Empowering Classroom' that is proposed in critical pedagogy. Finally, the author reflects on the critical issues in the implementation of the 'Flipped Classroom'. The research findings indicate that the emergence of 'Flipped Classroom' is epoch-making. However, there are still four critical issues that remain to be clarified and solved, such as the challenges of transforming curriculum into digital form, the possibilities of strengthening the value of standardized education goals, the neglects of the complexities of students' learning, and the dangers of tight relationship between education and business. The author suggests that teachers' critical consciousness is the key to transform traditional education. In addition to the hardware improvement, the government should provide both pre-service and in-service teachers with workshops that empower them to respond to the changes of curriculum and instruction in the digital age.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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