


The Effects of a Learning Guidance Intervention with Role Model on Learning Strategies and Career Self- Efficacy of College Students in Science and Technology




謝淑敏(Sui-Ming Hsieh)


科技領域大學生 ; 角色楷模學習輔導方案 ; 學習策略 ; 生涯自我效能 ; college students in science and technology ; learning guidance intervention with role model ; learning strategies ; career self-efficacy




10卷4期(2014 / 12 / 31)


47 - 78






This study examined a learning guidance intervention with role model to explore its influence on learning strategies and career self-efficacy for college students in science and technology. The result will act as a guide to college educators to implement incorporated role model influences with students' development program. The purpose of this study was: (1) to compare the differences of learning strategies of students between learning guidance intervention with role model applied in gender education class and typical gender education class; and (2) to analyze the differences between career self-efficacy of students by attending learning guidance intervention with role model applied in gender education class. 30 college students (2 classes) were selected from a Comprehensive University in central Taiwan. The quasi-experimental design was implemented in this study. One class was empirical group, and the other was control group. The participants of the research were administered "College students' learning strategies questionnaire", and "College students' career self-efficacy questionnaire." The analysis was carried out through one-way ANOVA. The results were as follows: (1) there were differences in learning strategies questionnaire score between empirical group and control group, and (2) there were no differences in career self-efficacy questionnaire score between empirical group and control group. Based on the results of the study, some suggestions were provided for school educators and counselors and for further research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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