Because of tendency of declining birthrate, it is seen as necessary to consolidate or abolish the small schools. The Ministry of Education then provided "Small School Development Evaluation Indicators" to county and city governments in February 2006. In depth analysis of the indicator data based on Big Data to develop data mining analysis model and operational definition of each indicator, is helpful for county and city governments consolidating small schools. This article aims to study how to integrate different databases based on Big Data thinking, and use data mining methods in education statistics, to facilitate school consolidation. According to the Ministry of Education indicators, this article integrated governance databases to collect the related data of all elementary schools. This article used supervised models, including Classification and Regression Tree, Neural Network, Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine, and Bayesian Network. The results reveal that five models have higher correction rate and are easy to read. According to the results, when consolidating small schools, education, population and geographic databases should be integrated. Besides, empirical data assessment and supervision should be adopted. The governance institution and each school can adopt operational definition of each indicator to calculate the relative position.
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