


Suggestions for New-Immigrant Language Teachers' Training: Current Implementation of Education Approach in Taiwan Elementary Schools




張雅粱(Ya-Liang Chang)


師資培育 ; 教師職能 ; 新住民語文 ; 國民小學 ; teacher training ; teacher competency ; new-immigrant language ; elementary school




13卷1期(2017 / 03 / 31)


1 - 29






New-immigrant language courses will be implemented as quickly as the 107 academic year in Taiwan elementary schools. Because of the lack of teacher competency, difficulties with teaching methods, teaching materials and teaching assessment have emerged. For the above reasons, teacher training has become very important. Currently, the effectiveness of teacher training is limited because of the supply-demand relationship between teaching and teacher training has not been established. The research method of this article is qualitative research, including focus groups, depth interviews and classroom observations. The aim is to understand questions related to new-immigrant language teachers' training in Taiwan elementary schools. The results of this study point to three problems about new-immigrant language teachers' training: (a) the lack of a permanent establishment to lead the way; (b) the courses lack practicality and emphasize writing teaching plans in Chinese language; (c) the lack of appropriate teaching materials. The above problems arise from the current structure and may explain the failure to establish an effective supply-demand relationship between teaching and teacher training. This paper analyzes the plight of new-immigrant language education, refers to teachers' opinions, and provides a short-term teacher training plan to address the above problems.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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