The United States of America is one of the first countries to implement teacher evaluation. However, recent studies have found that evaluation tends to be dysfunctional due to the "Widget Effect", which is not helpful for teacher professional development. This study aims to analyze the problems and renovation of teacher evaluation in US to gain implications for the legislation of teacher evaluation in Taiwan after try-outs of Teacher Evaluation for Professional Development (TEPD). In this project, the literature analysis method was adopted to first review the history and problems of teacher evaluation in US, summarize and analyze the suggestions for improvement of traditional teacher evaluation to propose the innovative directions for "Teacher Evaluation 2.0" and the initial results in the US. Secondly, the history and relevant information of the current Taiwanese teacher evaluation legislation was gathered and the content and focus of the draft was analyzed. Finally, the elements of the evaluation system design summarized in related researches were utilized as the analytical framework, including the following seven dimensions: evaluation purpose, evaluation design, evaluation content, evaluation methods, evaluators, the application of evaluation results and supporting measures. The implications were suggested to provide the reference for legislation and implementation of teacher evaluation in Taiwan.
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