


A Study on Higher Education Policies for Indigenous Residents in Taiwan




黃家凱(Chia-Kai Huang)


教育公平 ; 原住民族 ; 高等教育 ; 教育政策分析 ; 政策週期 ; education equity ; indigenous residents ; higher education ; education policy analysis ; policy cycle




14卷3期(2018 / 09 / 30)


33 - 64




本研究之目的在於描繪臺灣原住民族高等教育政策執行的情形,以釐清政策實踐之結果及其影響。以Stephen J. Ball的「政策週期」作為研究分析架構,採文件分析法及次級資料分析進行。分析資料來源包括原住民族教育政策白皮書、教育部統計處及行政院原住民族委員會之統計調查資料。透過調查統計資料分析臺灣高等教育原住民族學生就學及就業狀況,以了解高等教育原住民學生就學狀況,及對其未來職涯發展的連結。研究結果顯示:一、高等教育大眾化的結果,雖提升原住民族學生進入高等教育的機會,惟仍存在數量及品質上的不公平現象;二、高等教育原住民學生人才結構呈現失衡現象,高階人才(如碩、博士)的培育缺乏積極性的支持;三、原住民學生與非原住民學生在科系選擇上有同質化現象,然而原住民學生在科系的選擇上與其自身文化背景脈絡缺乏連結,且缺乏學習志趣,導致原住民學生休學及退學比例高;四、高等教育原住民學生畢業後,在就業方面呈現出不同學歷文憑間低薪、低就情形,所從事之行業及職業特性亦以高替代性、低技術性工作為主。整體而言,原住民族高等教育人才培育政策目標與政策實踐結果呈現不一致現象。透過本研究初步描繪臺灣原住民族高等教育人才培育政策之圖像,進一步探究政策實踐是改善、惡化或創造了新的學習問題。


This study aims at analyzing the influences of higher education policies on Taiwanese indigenous students. This study applies Stephen J. Ball's "policy cycle" as framework and document analysis and secondary data analysis as analytical methods. Data is from the white paper on the educational policy for indigenous peoples, Department of Statistics of Ministry of Education and the survey conducted by the Council of Indigenous Peoples. The results show that: 1. Massification of Higher Education in Taiwan increases the number of indigenous students' enrolling in higher institutions. However, there is still unequal status on the quality and quantity between Han Chinese and indigenous students studying in higher education sector; 2. There is an imbalance structure of indigenous students studying in higher education and a lack of support to those reading for higher degrees including master or doctoral students; 3. A similar trend could be seen on the choice of their major between indigenous and non-indigenous students. However, indigenous students' majors are not related to their interests and cultural background. It results in a high drop-out rate for indigenous students; 4. Indigenous graduates tend to have lower salary and lower skill requirement jobs. Overall, the purpose and outcomes of Taiwanese indigenous higher education policies do not match with each other. Through the analyses of this study, the sketch of indigenous people's higher education status is presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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