


The Factor Structure of Elementary School Homeroom Teachers' Self-Efficacy in Guidance Scale




黃文瑄(Wen-Hsuan Huang);蔡秀玲(Shiou-Ling Tsai);李俊儀(Chun-Yi Lee);杜淑芬(Su-Fen Tu)


因素結構 ; 國民小學 ; 發展性輔導 ; 輔導自我效能 ; 導師 ; factor structure ; elementary schools ; primary prevention ; self-efficacy in guidance ; homeroom teachers




14卷4期(2018 / 12 / 31)


41 - 70




本研究旨在探索國小導師輔導自我效能量表之因素結構。研究採用叢集與配額取樣,取得桃園市296位導師之自願參與。研究工具採用自編之國小導師輔導自我效能問卷,研究程序係透過項目分析與探索性因素分析檢視題目與因素屬性,並進一步以驗證性因素分析驗證國小導師自我效能之因素結構。因素分析結果顯示導師輔導自我效能包括「師生關係」、「班級經營與正向管教」、「問題解決與衝突處理」、「辨識適應問題徵兆」、與「系統合作」等五項因素,42項題目之因素負荷量介於.64到.85之間,各分量表信度介於.87 ~ .92之間,五因素相關介於.87到.97之間。五因素模式卡方值X^2/df = 2.361,各項適配度指標CFI = .900、IFI = .901、SRMR = .042、RMSEA = .068。不同性別、年齡、婚姻、服務年資、任教年段、與輔導背景的導師,其部分或整體輔導自我效能呈現顯著差異(P < .05)。


The aim of current study is to explore the factor structure of homeroom teachers' self-efficacy in guidance scale. The study adopted stratified clustering sampling process and included 296 homeroom teachers from Taoyuan City. A questionnaire was developed to study the homeroom teachers' self-efficacy in guidance. In pre-test, item analysis and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) were performed to investigate the item quality and factors construct. Then, CFA was further conducted to confirm the factor constructs of homeroom teachers' self-efficacy in guidance. The results of CFA produced five constructs that consisted of teacher-student relationship, class management and positive disciplinary, problem solving and conflict resolving, identifying signs of adjustment problems, and system collaboration. The factor loadings of 42 items ranged from .64 to .85, the correlations between five factors were from .87 to .97, and the Cronbach α's were from .87 to .92 for five factors. The CFA model fit index was X^2/df = 2.361, other fit indexes included CFI = .900, IFI = .901, SRMR=.042, RMSEA=.068. In addition, teachers' self-efficacy in guidance showed significant differences with regard to different gender, age, marriage status, years of service, grade of teaching, and background education in counseling (P<.05).

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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