
Caring as a Teacher Virtue: Objections, Responses, and Affirmation






黃振豊(Chen-Li Huang);鄭威爾(Brent G. Walters)


caring relationship ; teacher-student relationship ; rights vs. virtue ; care ethics ; Noddings ; 關懷關係 ; 師生關係 ; 權利與德行 ; 關懷倫理學 ; 諾丁斯




15卷3期(2019 / 09 / 30)


59 - 92




The aim of this study is to prove that caring, as conceptualized by Nel Noddings in her works on care ethics, must be a teacher virtue for students to achieve their potential. Several criticisms of caring as a teacher virtue are presented and rebutted. These criticisms include that caring is a private affair, teachers should focus on subject teaching, not every teacher has a caring character, not every student needs to be cared for, male teachers have caring anxiety, caring is a heavy burden, and caring will dominate teachers' professional viewpoints. Additionally, several positive reasons to support caring as a teacher virtue are given: (i) Caring makes education more decent; (ii) caring improves students' academic achievements and positive behaviors; (iii) caring is a win-win strategy; and (iv) caring establishes a connection to being. By way of debunking the criticisms and offering evidence for the positive benefits of caring, the result of this research affirms that caring must be a virtue for teachers.



主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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