With the liberalization of Taiwan's experimental education act, experimental education schools have been able to conduct school-wide curriculum experiments. In the process of developing this new educational model, transformative curriculum leadership has become an important pathway for principals. This research conducts qualitative research on three types of experimental education schools, including schools designated by local governments, those with transformed needs, and privately-managed public schools. Each one is a sample which is successful transformation school that has won the principal's leadership or teaching excellence award, participated in the publication of experimental courses many times, or the new curriculum model has been recognized by parents. This study conducted interviews with twelve people, including the principals, directors, group leaders and teachers, and used campus observation and document analysis methods to explore the model and contents of principals' transformative curriculum leadership in experimental schools. The study finds that the school principals are able to establish a different curriculum model from the mainstream education, mainly through transformational curriculum leadership to change teachers' pedagogical awareness, curriculum development mechanism, and school culture, which in turn built a model of transformational curriculum leadership for principals of experimental education schools. This model suggests that principals create a shared vision of the curriculum through awareness, clarification, and communication based on the motivation, educational philosophy, and context of the school; then use the vision as the core to expand the transformational leadership in the areas of teacher teaching literacy, curriculum design, curriculum evaluation, and school culture to lead the school to successful transformation. Finally, according these findings, recommendations are proposed for developing more new curriculum models.
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