


Network Effects of One-Tablet-Per-Student Initiative: Taking Digitalized Composition Classroom in an Elementary School as an Example




陳斐卿(Fei-Ching Chen)


一對一數位學習 ; 行動者網絡理論 ; 轉變 ; 作文教學 ; 生生用平板 ; one-to-one technology-rich learning ; actor-network theory ; translation ; composition teaching ; one-tablet-per-student initiative




17卷4期(2021 / 12 / 31)


33 - 67




運用數位載具學習是教育的趨勢,許多研究支持學生使用載具能提升學習成效,但載具進入教室後,許多現場教師卻產生更多困惑,可能的原因是載具進入教室後,使用上引發複雜而挑戰的動態歷程,沒有受到足夠的重視。本文借用行動者網絡理論(Actor-Network Theory, ANT),對稱性地看待「人」與「物」的獨特視野,探究數位載具進入寫作課室,會促使教室裡的師生發生哪些轉變?研究資料來自一所數位資源豐沛的小學,該校生生自備載具,本研究以寫作課為場域,透過民族誌的觀察與訪談方法蒐集資料。研究發現,載具與平臺進入寫作課堂後,新的載具和教室中原有的物件,會與教師及學生的行動彼此作用,作文課堂產生了前後兩次轉變:初期的轉變為,數位寫作教學平臺以取代的方式,轉變了教師的教學角色,且在載具與平臺的遊戲設計、學生在意成績、教師在意班級績效等多種行動體相互作用下,產生了特定的網絡效果,導致學生的寫作興趣被轉變了;後期的轉變為,教師因應第一次轉變的網絡效果,對新、舊寫作教學的各種行動體重新拆解與組合,讓寫作的學習效果再度穩定。這個研究發現顯示,數位載具未必真的能促進學習,當載具加入課程時,要留意教室裡既存的各種物件,以及與師生已經產生的連結。


Newly implemented technologies have been considered as one of the major strategies for educational reform and pedagogical innovation worldwide. However, many teachers, after incorporating these technologies into curriculum, have since become confused about its efficacy as a teaching companion. Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to the complexities and challenges of the adoption process. Drawing from the translation perspective of Actor-Network Theory, this study put efforts on how a platform especially designed for the composition classroom during the one-laptop-per-student initiative transformed teaching practices in an elementary school. Using ethnography, interviews, and digital footprints that actors left behind on the platform, this study traces how actors "enact" and "enroll" each other, resulting in network effects. The results revealed the changing networks of how the platform, teachers, students, and other related actors enact each other. In particular, teaching practice encountered a series of translation: schools deploying the digital writing platform, attempting to enroll students' writing interests; students gamifying the platform into something more enjoyable; teachers displacing themselves and enlisting more appropriate actors to re-deploy the assemblage. This study argues that technology itself might not be considered as an individual source for learning effectiveness. Rather, technology becomes an effect of the assemblage of teacher, students, as well as the existing non-human entities.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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