This study developed the teaching for well-being 2.0 model for positive horticultural therapy and education curriculum for students' flourishing and well-being. The teaching for well-being 2.0 model differs from the teaching for well-being 1.0 model in the core elements of the theory of flourishing or new well-being theory. This study included 50 university students from Northern Taiwan and required them to complete a learning feedback form. The content of the feedback form was subjected to qualitative data analysis. The results revealed that after the intervention, the posttest scores of the participants were significantly higher than their pretest scores in variables such as "flourishing," "meaning," "autonomy," and "well-being." Horticultural therapy activities were introduced through the modes of "use flourishing to introduce concepts," "flourishing experiences and actions," and "flourishing assessment and reflection" to improve well-being. The students could implement their learning in future horticultural therapy training. On the basis of the aforementioned results, directions for higher education and future research were suggested.
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