


Preservice Teachers' Sharing of Negative Emotion Regulation Experiences on an Online Platform




黃絢質(Hsun-Chih Huang)


負向情緒調節 ; 師資生 ; 意義治療法 ; logotherapy ; negative emotion regulation ; preservice teachers




18卷1期(2022 / 03 / 31)


75 - 106




本研究旨在透過「負向情緒調節體驗平台」,廣泛地分析師資生面臨線上「師資生困境故事」所進行的情緒調節(emotion regulation)。包括:第一,融入意義治療法之概念,探討師資生從該困境故事中看出的潛在正面意義(開放式問題一);第二,探討師資生若為該困境故事主角,擬採取因應以舒緩負向情緒的方式(開放式問題二)。本研究以質性內容分析法之傳統內容分析取向,分析上述開放式問題一與問題二,並搭配量化的資料進行初步探究。本研究的研究對象為來自臺灣各大學師資培育課程的294位師資生。本研究發現,就開放式問題一,師資生按回應次數依序為:「自我磨練與成長的機會」、「至少仍有的優勢與好處」、「自我思量、自我步調調整與規劃的契機」、「對未來願景∕正向結果的期望與信念」;至於開放式問題二,師資生按回應次數依序為:「問題解決-積極規劃∕安排與行動因應」、「放鬆紓壓與轉移焦點」、「問題解決-尋求支持、支援與資源」、「自我認知與情緒的調整」、「坦然面對與接受」、「問題解決-問題思量」、「消極因應」。本研究的研究結果期為我國師資培育的輔導與教學實務提供一些建議。


An online platform was developed for examining the negative emotion regulation experiences of preservice teachers. On the platform, participants were asked to read vignettes related to preservice teachers' adversities. Through the online examination of negative emotion regulation experiences, this study investigated (1) the positive takeaways participants gleaned from adversities under the concept of logotherapy (the first open-ended question) and (2) how participants planned to cope with adversities to regulate their negative emotions (the second open-ended question). Through qualitative content analysis, a conventional content analysis approach, this study analyzed the responses to the aforementioned open-ended questions. Preliminary quantitative analyses were also adopted to gain supplementary information . The participants were 294 preservice teachers in Taiwan. The findings were as follows. In response to the first open-ended question, preservice teachers mentioned "the opportunity for self-training and development," "the minimal benefits," "the opportunity for self-reflection, modification, and planning," and "expectations and beliefs related to positive future outcomes" as positive takeaways. In response to the second open-ended question, which asked participants how they planned to cope with adversities to regulate their negative emotions, the participants mentioned "problem solving: active organization/arrangement and action," "relaxation and the deployment of attention," "problem solving: seeking social support and resources," "modification of self-cognition and emotions," "facing challenges and acceptance," "problem solving: problem pondering," and "passive coping." These responses have implications for counseling and instruction in teacher education programs in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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