


Guidance Teachers' Professional Identity in Junior High School in Taiwan: Negotiating With Oneself in Uncertainty and Invisibility




楊巧玲(Chiao-Ling Yang)


學校輔導工作屬性 ; 國中輔導教師 ; 專業認同 ; 不確定性 ; 低能見度 ; 自我協商 ; 能動性 ; 韌性 ; characteristics of school guidance work ; junior high school guidance teacher ; professional identity ; uncertainty ; invisibility ; self-negotiation ; agency ; resilience




18卷3期(2022 / 09 / 30)


1 - 32






In Taiwan, students' guidance work has been formalized and professionalized; however, the real situation remains uncertain. This study investigated students' guidance work and guidance teachers' professional identity in junior high school. An institutional ethnographic interview was adopted, and 19 teachers with experience of more than 5 years were recruited using both purposive and snowball sampling. The results indicated that junior high school guidance work exhibits uncertainty and invisibility. Uncertainty was indicated by the following findings: (1) the implementation of tertiary prevention is challenging; (2) the work is all-encompassing, and it is difficult to draw the boundary; and (3) guidance work entails emergency handling. Invisibility was indicated by the following findings: (1) teachers' guidance work is unknown and misunderstood; (2) the effect of teachers' guidance work is slow, and the evaluation criteria are vague; and (3) the tendency to self-reflect inward and prove outward leads to more invisibility. The development of guidance teachers' professional identity is a dynamic process. Guidance teachers exhibit agency and resilience by being proactive to overcome structural vulnerability and work one's magic to cooperate in the system. Moreover, they face themselves honestly by strengthening their belief in the value of their work and caring for themselves to clarify their life issues. This study highlights the following: (1) the formalization and professionalization of guidance work and its dilemma, and (2) the dynamic negotiation and self-positioning of guidance teachers' professional identity. The educational authorities and teacher education institutions should stress systematic thinking and action to penetrate obstacles; moreover, they should care for the health and well-being of junior high school guidance teachers and strengthen their resilience.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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