


Parental Counseling of Children with Special Needs




張英熙(Ying-Shi Chang)


特殊兒童 ; 家長 ; 心理諮商 ; Children with Special Needs ; Parental Counseling




57期(2014 / 06 / 01)


23 - 38






Parental counseling is one of the strategies to support families of children with special needs. In order to support parents' adjustment, the counseling services provide: (1)information about children's diagnosis and related resources; (2)parent education; (3) psychological counseling. Parents will benefit from counseling services in six ways: (1)facing the crisis more effectively; (2)being supported and facilitated acceptance, (3)improving psychological adjustment; (4)improving parental efficiency; (5)resolving psychological conflicts, and (6)getting ready to be involved in educational activities for their children with special needs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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