


To Investigate Pre-Service Teachers' Supportive Attitudes toward Inclusive Education and Expectations of Social Justice for Children with Special Needs




黃秋霞(Chiu-Hsia Huang)


融合教育 ; 融合教育全量表 ; inclusive education ; inclusive education scale




61期(2016 / 06 / 01)


27 - 48




本研究根據Torres-Harding、Siers與Olson(2012)、McHatton與McCray(2007)等理論基礎,編製49題的「融合教育全量表」(Inclusion Education Scale)含三個分量表各為:28題的「融合教育概念量表」(Concepts of Inclusive Education Scale)、11題的「社會正義期許量表」(Expectations of Social Justice Scale)、10題的「各障礙類型覺知量表」(Perceptions of Disability Groups Scale);旨在翻譯「融合教育全量表」的檢驗與分析。其次,旨在以「融合教育全量表」考驗62名大二與大四職前師培生對特殊需求學生的融合教育概念、社會正義期許與各障礙類型覺知等贊成程度是否有所差異。問卷資料處理採項目分析、項目相關、內在一致性效標等;資料分析呈現以描述統計檢驗(如:平均數、標準差、偏斜度、峰度)、極端組比較、p<.05顯著性、鑑別度、α係數、各試題之獨立樣本t檢定等。研究結果顯示:(1)「融合教育概念量表」的α係數為.70,信度尚可,「社會正義期許量表」與「各障礙類型覺知量表」的α係數各為.91與.88,屬於高信度。(2)大四師培生對特殊需求學生的融合教育概念、社會正義期許與各障礙類型覺知之贊成程度比大二師培生為高。能即早提供大一與大二師培生更多元的實務觀摩、志工或義工制度等,(融合教育領域的師資培育課程規劃),並提供師培生能即早有機會接觸與了解特殊需求學生。總而言之,社會福利較進步的國家,對於特殊需求學生與融合的重視不亞於其他公共議題,早已挹注於各階段國民義務教育,甚至於成人或社區教育的公民素教育裡,如此,融合的概念即能很自然地融入個體生活中,並真正具備了充權賦能與自我決定的權利、社會正義期許等養成教育。


This investigation mainly aimed to testify and analyze in translating the Inclusive Education Scale (INS) divided into three subscales, Concepts of Inclusive Education (INC), Expectations of Social Justice (SJ) and Perceptions of Disability Groups Scale (PER), based on Torres-Harding, Siers and Olson (2012); McHatton and McCray's (2007) theories. Firstly, it aimed to investigate 62 sophomore and senior pre-service teachers' supportive attitudes toward inclusive education for children with special needs. Secondly, all items of INS were analyzing and descriptive by the frequency, percentile, mean, SD, p<.05, Skewness, Kurtosis, Cronbach's α and item analysis. Overall, the α of the Concepts of Inclusive Education Scale, Expectations of Social Justice Scale and Perceptions of Disability Groups Scale separately were .70, .91 and .88, which indicated that this entire set with three subscales was a very stable and reliable questionnaire. In addition, the senior pre-service teachers were more willing to support children with special needs than sophomore pre-services teachers did. The investigator will advise all teacher training institutions providing all pre-service teachers more volunteering experiences to contact with children with special needs. Taiwan government may emerge the inclusion issues into K-12 even continuing education programs in order to educate all Taiwan's citizens civil with more supportive attitudes toward children with special needs in their daily lives.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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