


A Survey Study of Quality of Life for Senior High School Students at Schools for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing




陳怡慧(Yi-Hui Chen);陳嘉倫(Chia-Lun Chen);郭元貞(Yuan-Chen Kuo);趙妤(Yu Chao);蔡依蓉(Yi-Jung Tsai)


啟聰學校 ; 高中職學生 ; 聽覺障礙 ; 生活品質 ; special school for the deaf and hard of hearing ; senior high school/vocational school ; students with hearing loss ; quality of life




64期(2017 / 12 / 01)


15 - 30






This research aimed to investigate the quality of life of senior high school students who were educated in three schools for the deaf in Taiwan by using survey questionnaire. One hundred and forty-eight students who were deaf or hard of hearing at the senior-high-school/vocational-school level participated in the survey. The survey questionnaire contains five domains: personal and social interaction, social acceptance, independence, personal living, and living environment. The results showed that there was no significant difference among students with various background variables regarding their quality of life as a whole. However, there was a significant difference between students educated at different schools of deaf concerning the domain of personal and social interaction. Students using multiple communication modes scored significant higher than those using only gestures and body language. Furthermore, students with a single-parent family had significant lower score than those with a nuclear family or those living with relatives.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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