


Applying a Thematic Analysis in Educational Research




吳啟誠(Chi-Cheng Wu);張瓊云(Ching-Yun Chang)


主題分析 ; 資料分析 ; 質性研究 ; Data analysis ; Qualitative research ; Thematic analysis




69期(2020 / 06 / 01)


29 - 42




主題分析是一種質性資料處理的方法,可以與不同的研究理論結合而發展出不同的分析程序。它可以應用於語意或解釋性的研究取向,處理資料的文字表面或深入探討背後的意義。其中,反思性主題分析由於Braun & Clarke(2006, 2012, 2013, 2019)一系列的著作,奠定了系統系的理論基礎與標準化執行程序。國內對於相關的說明相對較少,因此本文章旨在介紹反思性主題分析的進行程序,包括六個步驟:熟悉資料、編碼、尋求初步主題,修正調整主題,界定主題的目的與意義、以及撰寫報告。文章中以第一作者的博士論文中部份的訪談資料為例,具體說明主題分析的實施步驟。此外,文章也針對主題分析相關的概念進行討論。


Thematic analysis (TA) is a method of qualitative data analysis which can be framed under different epistemological perspectives. The reflexive TA, as one TA approach has been received a significant profile due to the contributions of Braun & Clarke (2006, 2012, 2013, 2019). Yet, given of scarce discussions of reflexive TA in Taiwan, this article aims to illustrate its basic ideas and implementation procedures, Doing a reflexive TA includes the following six steps, being familiar with data, starting coding, formulating primary themes, revising themes, defining the themes, and writing up a report. An excerpt of interview data of the first author's doctorate research is taken as an example to entail the process. Hopefully, this article may prompt the use of reflexive TA in qualitative research in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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