


A Survey on User Satisfaction with Interactive AR Assisted Learning Software




黃秋霞(Chiu-Hsia Huang);楊志強(Chih-Chiang Yang);蔡宜雯(Yi-Wen Tsai)


AR輔助學習軟體 ; 太陽運行概念 ; 互動式 ; 使用滿意度 ; 容積概念 ; AR assisted learning software ; solar motion concepts ; interactive ; user satisfaction ; volume concepts




73期(2022 / 06 / 01)


33 - 56




2020年至今,新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)迅速蔓延至全球,無一國家或行業可倖免於其侵襲與巨大影響。本研究乃是因應12年國教新課綱科技融入教學理念,以及因疫情之故改採線上遠距教學的學習替代模式,旨在探究「互動式AR輔助學習裝置軟體」使用滿意度調查,冀望研究結果有助未來應用該套軟體提升現場師生在容積與太陽運行概念的教與學之成效。本研究採線上Likert五點量表問卷調查使用滿意度,同時透過網路知情同意方式告知本研究目的;研究參與者親身體驗「互動式AR輔助學習軟體」之使用後,立即填答20題線上問卷調查表,共蒐集191份有效問卷,並以描述性統計、Cronbach's α信度等處理資料分析。整體而言,本研究結果顯示,191位研究參與者來自7個不同學院的157位女性與34位男性,93.2%研究參與者表示非常同意或同意「互動式AR輔助學習裝置軟體」的使用滿意度,4.7%表示沒意見、1.6%表示不同意、以及0.5%表示非常不同意「互動式AR輔助學習裝置軟體」的使用滿意度。最後,本研究建議教學者若輔以「互動式AR輔助學習裝置軟體」進行教與學容積與太陽運行概念,再佐以教師實體課堂講述為主的話,教與學的成效即可能會更相得益彰。


Since 2020 to present, the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been spreading rapidly around the world. There is no country or industryfree from the attack of the pandemic and the big impact on our life. In response to the concepts of integrating technology into teaching based on the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education as well as the distance learning alternative mode due to the pandemic, the study aimed to investigate the user's satisfaction on the Interactive AR Assisted Learning Software (hereafter IARALS). It is hoped that the results of this study will contribute to the future application of this software package to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning of field teachers and students on volume concepts and solar motion concepts. Online 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was used to investigate user satisfaction, and the purpose of this study was informed through online informed consent.191 participants were the software users completed online questionnaires with 20 questions immediately after experiencing the IARALS. A total of 191 valid questionnaires were collected and the descriptive statistics, Cronbach's α and so on were used for data analysis. Overall, 191 participants consisted of 157 females and 34 males from 7 different colleges; respectively the results indicated that 93.2% strongly agreed or agreed, 4.7% no opinion, 1.6% disagreed and 0.5% strongly disagreed about that IARALS was a very useful technology tool. Furthermore, the investigation will suggest if firstly the educators could by oral lecture in class and later by complementing with IARALS that might increase the efficiency and quality both in teaching and learning of field teachers and students on volume concepts and solar motion concepts.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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