To explore the intimacy of who were diagnosed with AS after entering the workforce. With the hermeneutics view,researchers used semi-structured interviewing two male participants who were diagnosed with AS. Second, researchers unitizedtheme, formed sub-interpretation and interpretation groups,and analyzed data bycontinuous comparison method. The results show that these two participantsdesire to own intimacy, but their process of the intimate relationship was different. Both them grew up lonely than most people. One of themdistracted from work severely. As a result,he consulted a psychiatric division, and started toexperience self-understanding and self-acceptance. However, He had no experience of intimacy. He pursued the female he likes but messed. He thinksintimacy is not his priority at this stage. He still desires for love but feels hopeless. The AS characteristic just like a high wall that couldn't across. In contrast, the other participant experiencethree intimacies.When getting along with current partner, he found difficultto understandinterpersonal relationship. Since his partner strongly advised him to see the doctor, he finally went to the hospital. After diagnosed, he felt that his partner could understand his perspectives, and finally made the decision to marry her. They prefer to participate in marathons together, and their lives are surrounded by marathons.In conclusion, both participants live with autistic traitsand mature later in the intimate relationship.Theyconquer those complicated phenomenon by exploring themselves.
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