


Feasibility of Applying UV Sterilizer on Paper Archives


夏滄琪(Shiah, Tsang-Chy);許湘瀅(Syu, Siang-Ying);黃子惠(Huang, Zih-Huei);陳淑美(Chen, Shu-Mei);岩素芬(Yen, Su-Fen)


紫外線除菌機 ; 圖書紙質 ; 黴菌 ; 細菌 ; UV sterilizer ; paper of books ; fungus ; bacteria




16卷2期(2017 / 12 / 01)


4 - 19




現今國內各公、私立圖書館,多購置書籍用紫外線除菌機,以提供讀者借、還書籍時之表面除菌處理。為瞭解紫外線照射劑量對於圖書滅菌效果及紙張性質之影響,本研究以紫外線除菌箱為例,探討紫外線照射對於圖書之黴菌及細菌滅菌效果,並觀察經UV照射處理後對紙張之性質影響。由黴菌培育試驗結果知:隨253.7nm波長UV燈照射時間增長,確實可減緩測試菌種之生長速度。大腸桿菌(Escherichia coli)菌液經UV燈照射200 sec處理時對1×10^5(CFU/mL)菌量及120 sec處理時對1×10^7(CFU/mL)菌量可達到完全滅菌成效。經測定UV照射後之紙張白度、色差值知:隨UV照射時間增長,造成紙張白度顯著下降,色差值(ΔE*)顯著增加。圖書實際試驗結果顯示,除菌機對書籍上之黴菌滅菌效果不佳,仍有萌發情形。


Recently, more and more public and private libraries purchase UV sterilizer for books so as to enable readers to use whenever they want to. This report not only examines the effect of UV sterilizer to commonly books fungus and bacteria, but also observes the effect of UV sterilizer on paper. The result shows that UV sterilizer can retard fungus growth. The growth rate decreases as exposing time increases. The result of bacteria test shows that UV sterilizer can disinfect Escherichia coli completely. The bacteria liquid 1×10^5 (CFU/ mL)and 1×10^7(CFU/ mL)can disinfect after 120 sec and 200 sec of exposure respectively. Six kinds of paper samples after exposure by UV sterilizer, the result shows that with the increase of UV irradiation time, the whiteness of the paper showed a significant decrease, and the color difference (ΔE*) increased significantly, and the aging sample shows significantly color difference. The test on books shows that UV sterilizer could not wipe out fungus completely, there's still possibility for mold to germinate.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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