As serious events occur in the world, whether it be a natural or artificial disaster, the repetitive scenes of death reported by the press or found on the internet will capture people's attention. This new attention can turn the disaster area into a tourist attraction or topic in a short amount of time. The purpose of this study is, through the drive for tourism and its past documented discussions, the formation of disaster tourism and the truth of the examples of disaster tourism both domestically and internationally, to observe the ways disaster tourism can be the key to the area's restoration. Tourism is a symbol of recovery for post catastrophe locations. The results are dependent on the level of devastation, the people, event, time, location, and available resources. The scramble of tourists for recuperation and the supplied aid from the devastation area are deciding factors to the potential amount of success in the development of post-catastrophic areas. There are opposing sides of dispute in the topic of implementing disaster tourism systems. Respect and a suitable time are the key points. Memorials for previous domestic disaster areas and damages should maintain the quality of management and service, fulfilling its purpose on geographical education, while serving as a constant reminder regarding the severity of natural disasters. In the community, tribal post-catastrophe advancement should not only be respected culturally and environmentally, but relevant organizations should follow necessary applicable regulations, allowing residing community tribal members to attain collective knowledge, further letting disaster-affected residents change the economic situations through tourism.
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