


The study on using RWD website of elderly adults


謝宜芳(Yi-Fang Hsieh)


銀髮族 ; 響應式網頁 ; 餐飲類網站 ; TAM與TTF整合性模式 ; Elderly adults ; Responsive web design ; Catering website ; Technology acceptance model ; Task-technology adaptation theory




12卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


135 - 166






In view of the fact that responsive web design technology has become a necessary consideration when designing web pages, especially when catering companies have launched online ordering or website services, whether the use of responsive web interface will be more beneficial to the elderly adults. For the browsing of Internet information, in response to this problem, this study uses the integration model of technology acceptance and task-technology adaptation theory to explore the use of responsive webpages provided by the catering industry by the elderly adults. The results of this study show that elderly adults use the catering website "anytime", and 1/2 of the elderly adults are the main buyers at home, but they still buy on-site when purchasing catering products. elderly adults under 64 and college with a college degree The behavior of using RWD catering web pages is relatively high; in addition, it can be seen from the habits of elderly adults that perceived usefulness affects their attitudes to use, and their use attitude affects their willingness to adopt. elderly adults under 64 believe that it is useful to use RWD catering web pages, and they have lower academic qualifications. The elderly adults think that it is useless to use the RWD restaurant website. Based on the results of the research, this research has four suggestions for the catering industry: (1) increase the awareness of the elderly adults by promoting the existence of RWD catering websites, and (2) strengthen the awareness of the elderly adults on the RWD catering websites through publicity techniques. Usefulness, (3) Make elderly adults familiar with the operation of RWD catering website through on-site teaching activities and (4) consider the characteristics of elderly adults to build RWD catering website content suitable for their use; there are two suggestions for elderly adults: respectively: (1) Inventory of 3C products used by oneself and (2) through various channels to learn scientific and technological knowledge.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
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