


Research on the Relevance of National Tourism Safety and Behavior Intention


謝家豪(Chia-Hao Hsieh)


國民旅遊 ; 旅遊安全 ; 旅遊態度 ; 行為意向 ; national tourism ; tourism safety ; tourism attitudes ; behavior intentions




12卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


71 - 90






The research on national tourism safety selects tourists who have recently participated in domestic tourism as the research object, and discusses the relationship between tourism safety and tourism attitudes and behavior intentions based on the main perceptions of tourists participating in domestic tourism after sightseeing. The main purpose of the research on the relationship between tourism safety and behavior intention of our nationals is summarized as follows: discuss the relationship between tourism safety and behavior intention; explore the relationship between tourism safety and tourism attitude; confirm the relationship between tourism attitude and behavior intention; take samples The object analyzes the relationship between demographic variables such as gender, age, education level of tourists and the main topics of this research. The sampling method for the study of the relationship between national tourism safety and behavior intention is based on convenience sampling; a total of 300 questionnaires were issued, and a total of 257 valid samples were obtained, with a recovery rate of 85.6%. Using hierarchical regression analysis to explain the relationship between the various disguised phases, the empirical results are as follows: tourism safety and behavior intention show a significant positive relationship; tourism safety and tourism attitude show a partial significant positive relationship; tourism attitude and behavior intention show a partial relationship Significantly positive relationship.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
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