


The new era of smart catering service: Research on the key selection factors on AI equipment in food and beverage industry


李文驊(Wen-Hwa Lee);張綺芸(Qi-Yun Zhang);林佳緣(Jia-Yuan Lin)


人工智慧 ; 層級分析法 ; 服務品質 ; Artificial Intelligence ; Hierarchical Analysis Process ; Service Quality




12卷1期(2021 / 03 / 01)


91 - 114






With the advancement of computer technology and the continuous development of artificial intelligence, technological equipment technology has entered a new era, which will replace human work. In recent years, because of the declining birthrate and the growing aging population, we are facing a shortage of manpower in food and beverage industry. The F&B industry has begun to invest and research to introduce artificial intelligence, subvert the changes in the traditional catering market, and explore the research on key selection factors for the introduction of AI equipment in F&B industry. This study stateed the importance of reliability, assurance, responsiveness, caring, and tangibility according to the five dimensions of the service quality scale. Developd a questionnaire based on the structure of the hierarchical analysis method and establish 5 indicators. After thtat it performed a pairwise comparison matrix to calculate the geometric mean and weight value, and whether the relative weight of each factor is consistent. According to the results obtained from the 16 expert questionnaires, the discussion is as follows: The weights of the 5 indicators in order are "reliability", "guarantee", "reactivity", "caring" and "tangible"; The top 3 of the 17 key factors in the overall ranking are "Maintain the accuracy of system quality", "Reduce service error rate" and "Consistent service process standards". Two of the first three items are the factors of "reliability", means that reliability is really an important indicator.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
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