


Teaching Practice Research on PBL Distance Learning of "Post-epidemic Era" for Suspension of Class Without Suspending Study


郭勝煌(Sheng-huang Kuo)


後疫情時代 ; 停課不停學 ; 問題導向學習 ; 遠距教學 ; Post-epidemic Era ; Suspension of class without suspending study ; Problem-based Learning ; Distance Learning




12卷2期(2021 / 09 / 01)


95 - 120






This study is the first time in Taiwan's educational history that schools have been completely closed for distance learning, with34 students as the main subjects for six weeks of PBL distance learning. The main purpose is to solve the problems of the teaching class, drive a series of systematic introspection, criticism, and construction of the course, through classroom observation, in-depth interviews, group discussions, after-school homework, reflection log, the results of feedback to the teaching class. This study obtained the PBL distance learning model architecture and six research process results. Including 1. enhance cooperative learning ability, 2. cultivate self-learning ability, 3. improve problem-solving ability, 4. propose solutions, 5. improve learning effectiveness, 6. improve teaching site with teaching practice research. And also, three conclusions, including students' high willingness to accept PBL distance teaching, propose a solution to the problem immediately and effectively improve students' learning effectiveness. Provide a reference for relevant educational units, institutions, and teachers to jointly promote PBL distance learning and improve the effectiveness of distance learning.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
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