


An Analysis of College Students' Anticipatory Anxiety: Using Early Childhood Education Internship in Preschools as an Example


劉乙儀(Liu, Yi-Yi)


預期性焦慮 ; 大專生 ; 幼兒園教保實習 ; 實習焦慮 ; anticipatory anxiety ; college students ; early childhood education practicum in preschools ; practicum anxiety




13卷1期(2022 / 03 / 01)


147 - 166






This study adopted literature analysis to understand the definition and meaning of practicum anxiety. Interviews were then conducted on 4 college students of early childhood education who were about to undertake practicum in preschools. The collected data were used as the basis for further analysis on college students' anticipatory anxiety. According to the interview results, the preschool interns considered that the following situations may cause them to feel uneasy and anxious: (1) They cannot meet the practicum criteria and other people's expectation; (2) They are not highly interested in working in preschools; (3) Most of the institutions for conducting practicum are preschools, which does not meet their aspiration; (4) Early childhood education interns in preschools cannot receive salary, which increases their economic burden; (5) Conducting practicum for a full semester may not comply with their wishes, and they may feel incapable of doing so; (6) They may have conflicts with the preschools; and (7) There is no clear line between professional education work and miscellaneous tasks. Based on these results, this study proposed recommendations, serving as a reference for education authorities, preschools, and future studies.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
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