


Cartography Discrimination Between the 17th and 18th Century: Regarding the Maps of Taiwan Being Collected and Exhibited in the National Palace Museum as Discussion Topics


林天人(Tien-Jen Lin)


臺灣輿圖 ; 福爾摩沙 ; 製圖六體 ; 山水畫法 ; 計里畫方 ; Taiwan cartography ; IIha Formosa ; six categories of map-making ; map-drawing with scenery technique ; measuring of map-making




6卷3期(2007 / 09 / 01)


32 - 54






Map has been classified into the category of archival images in the filed of documentary archives. A considerate portion of documentary collections in National Palace Museum is map. Theoretically, a map should be depicted in accordance with on site measurement. However, in fact, it was not always what it should be, Sometimes a map just was to reflect a ruler's imagination, or to extend his mind of sovereignty. This article is to discuss differences cartographic technologies and views between the ancient China and the West, by means of those maps of Taiwan drawn in Qing dynasty that are collected in the National Palace Museum (NPM), and those of which drawn in the 17th century by Westerns had once exhibited in NPM, also to discuss how China and the Western treated the status of Taiwan at that time. Western sea power countries had aggressively expanded their sovereignties to Asia by navigation technology and armory since the 17th century. Taiwan was not the first stop of their Asia journey. However, Taiwan was located a threshold to clutch Asian marine region. Therefore, Taiwan gradually became a target of these sea power countries. Consequently, Holland won the colony competition. And then Holland had ruled Taiwan for almost 40 years. The Holland colonial times of which trade and colonization were very important part of Taiwan history. Since Taiwan became a part of Qing's territory, according to the need of her dominion and governance. Qing government had treated map drawing for Taiwan as a blueprint for constructing her new territory. Therefore, Qing continually redrew the map of Taiwan once in a while. At present, all map s of Taiwan in Qing were bequeathing to posterity that had been drawn basically by traditional cartographic skills. This article also tried to discuss the features and deficiencies of traditional cartographic skills as well. This article exploited the differences of cartographic skills between the West and China in the 17th-18th centuries. Besides, it also interpreted the messages inside those maps, and analyzed the international status of Taiwan at that time.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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