


The Monopolization History and Financial Contribution of Taiwan Provincial Monopoly Bureau of Tobacco and Wine in the Postwar Years (1945-1957)


范雅鈞(Ya-Jiun Fan)


專賣 ; 臺灣省專賣局 ; 臺灣省菸酒公賣局 ; monopoly ; Taiwan Provincial Monopoly Bureau ; Taiwan Provincial Monopoly Bureau of Tobaccos and Wine




6卷4期(2007 / 12 / 01)


34 - 49






The article is mainly to discuss the history of Taiwan monopolization system and the financial contribution of the system in the postwar period. The history of the monopolization began from the year of the Monopoly Bureau being taken over by KMT government in 1945. The end of the history was 1955, the year of legitimating tobacco and wine monopolization. There were lots of events in that decade, including the decision of following the existing monopolization, reorganizing the Monopoly Bureau, and an improper investigation for smuggling tobacco that made an incident burst out on Feb 28, 1947etc. After the incident, the Monopoly Bureau was renamed as Taiwan Provincial Monopoly Bureau of Tobaccos and Wine. Subsequently, KMT government, which retreated into Taiwan, decided to contract Taiwan Province Government for executing the right of nationwide monopolies. The national financial revenue in monopolization during the period, which was from the year of being handing over to 1957, had been overcoming hurdles to increase production. The huge tribute of monopoly revenue had been paid to national and provincial treasure. The Bureau had not been allowed to invest in purchasing new equipment, creating new products and expanding new stages until 1958.

主题分类 人文學 > 圖書資訊學
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