


5G and Consumer Protection: A Perspective of Preservation of Consumers' Informational Self-Determination


葉志良(Chih-Liang Yeh);程致剛(Chih-Kang Cheng);楊東穎(Dong-Ying Yang)


歐盟個資保護規則 ; 個人資料保護法 ; 個資跨境傳輸 ; 資料在地化 ; 資料可攜權 ; EU General Data Protection Regulation ; Personal Data Protection Act ; Cross-Border Data Flow ; Data Localization ; Right to Data Portability




16卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


23 - 51






The emerging industries developed from 5G services in the future will be data-centric industries. The data application is the starting point for all info-communication technologies and business models. However, current development of digital economy establishes on the analyses of user's personal information and behavior patterns, which causes users' concern on digital service platforms. Thus, how to harmonize the values between data protection and development of digital economy is a crucial issue to be solved. Based on the premise that development of technology affects the direction of legal changes and the enactment of changes of law also affects the development of society, this research attempts to discover the concept and meaning of free flow of data, including the cross-border data flow, data localization and the right to data portability. This paper argues that free flow of data is significant to current economic development. To enable the data subject to control over his/ her personal information, the right to data portability can achieve the goal and create the data industry in the future.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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