


A Preliminary Examination of Intersectional Discrimination in Taiwan - CEDAW, CRC and CRPD


林沛君(Peggy Pei-Chun Lin)


不歧視 ; 歧視 ; 交織性 ; 人權公約 ; intersectional discrimination ; intersectionality ; girls with disabilities




16卷2期(2020 / 07 / 01)


7 - 23




平等及不歧視誠然係聯合國各核心人權公約所共同保障之基本權利,而在性別的領域,歧視的交織性(intersectional discrimination)則是日益受到聯合國各人權監督機制及國際學者所重視的議題之一。儘管各人權公約委員會對交織性的概念如何運用在其所關注之族群上,近年來透過公約解釋性文件陸續已有更多著墨,惟在現有之國際人權規範及機制下,仍需透過公約監督機制間之相互合作,例如共同出具一般性建議/意見等方式,促使交互歧視的概念能夠真正發揮其加乘效應。但除規範的解釋面外,各公約在監督及實踐的層面(如各人權公約國家報告審查),亦應思考如何將交織性納入其監督模式,以使交織性的理論在個案實踐上亦可達到對遭受多樣且複雜處境之受歧視者進行更深入理解的目的。本文以CEDAW、CRC及CRPD三項人權公約之交織初步檢視國內身心障礙女童所遭受之歧視現況。在這群身心障礙女童所面對之諸多歧視議題中,不論是遭受暴力、懷孕、人工流產及施行結紮手術等問題上,皆涉及法律、醫療、社工等跨領域之專業,未來有必要以科際整合的角度為更周延及深入的探討。


The concept of intersectional discrimination has increasingly been recognized by international human rights treaty-bodies in recent years, including through jointly issued general comments and recommendations. Nonetheless, further consideration, guidance and work is needed from these treaty-bodies, in order to incorporate intersectional discrimination into their monitoring activities for their respective treaties. This article looks at the intersection of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as an example of how intersectional discrimination can arise in Taiwan. Girls with disabilities are among the most vulnerable people, as they may face intertwined issues of violence, pregnancy, abortion and artificial ligation. This article urges the Taiwan government to gather statistics and data on the situation of such young girls, and examine the issues they face from a multidisciplinary perspective.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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