


The Effectiveness of Environmental Law: What Does the Evidence Tell Us?


Michael G. Faure;廖宗聖


環境法 ; 環境法制的實效 ; 實證研究 ; 實證證據解釋 ; 環境政策手段 ; environmental law ; effectiveness of environmental law ; empirical research ; empirical evidences interpretation ; environmental policy instrument




17卷1期(2020 / 11 / 01)


123 - 162






Legal scholars pursue various environmental instruments (laws and policies) to reduce environmental harm and to promote sustainable development. The question is to what extent the theoretical assumptions, on which much of our environmental governance is based, in fact work in practice. This article integrates two approaches: First, the author briefly looks at what theory tells us about how environmental law should work. Second, the author spends most of time at looking at the empirical evidence and makes the deep insight into the environmental law effectiveness through plenty of empirical evidences. There are four main parts in the article, including environmental quality determination studies, environmental policy instruments researches, environmental law enforcement and empirical research opportunities and challenges. Finally, this article argues that empirical research does provide many opportunities and useful information for environmental lawyers, but has to be interpreted with caution.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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