This article aims to explore the main purpose of "Pay transparency directive draft" and analyzes the legislative approach and institutional contents of the "Pay transparency directive draft" promoted by the European Union Commission. The main finding is that the European Union Commission faces the dilemma of how to balance the "gender pay equality" and "dispute between worker groups and employer groups" in the legislative process to promote the "Pay Transparency Directive Draft" .In order to promote the successful adoption of the "Pay transparency directive draft", European Union Commission adopts compromise legislative approach as follows: "restricting the applicable objects for enterprises to report the gender pay gap", "the right to pay information does not involve individual employee privacy and pay incentives", "minimum standards of European Union legislation", "limiting the applicable objects and conditions of joint salary assessment” and so on. The "Pay transparency directive draft" based on the above-mentioned Compromised Legislative Approach, the main Pay transparency institutions include: (1) Employers are required to provide information about pay when job applicants are interviewed. (2) Empower employees the right to know the average pay level of other employees in the same job and require enterprises that employ more than 250 employees to regularly report the pay difference between female employees and male employees in the same occupational category. (3) Employers who employ more than 250 people should jointly conduct a joint salary assessment with employee representatives, so that employees can examine the gender pay gap, and employees have the right to receive full compensation for violating gender pay discrimination based on equal pay for equal work or equal pay for equal value. (4) Ensure that the issue of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women is discussed at the appropriate level of collective bargaining, as well as examining the gender pay gap.
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