For the current problems of complex parameters of face expression recognition network models and feature redundancy arising from network training, an improved method of lightweight VGGNet network is proposed. Firstly, using the VGGNet network structure, the depth-separable convolution and global average pool are introduced into the original network to reduce the network parameters; secondly, an attention mechanism with spatial attention and channel attention in parallel is designed, and the attention module is embedded in front of the pooling layer and for feature reconstruction to enhance the apparent deep feature information and suppress the useless feature information; finally, the extracted features are fed into the classifier to realize face expression classification. Experiments are conducted and analyzed on CK+ and RaDF databases. The recognition accuracy of 98.86% was tested on the CK+ dataset containing only frontal face images, and 97.48% was tested on the RaDF database of multi-pose face expression images, which proved the effectiveness of this improved network for multi-pose facial expression recognition.
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