
Predicting Smart Contract Vulnerabilities by Explainable Machine Learning Approach




Jianing Liu;Cuifeng Gao


Smart Contract ; Vulnerability Prediction ; Machine Learning


International Core Journal of Engineering


8卷5期(2022 / 05 / 01)


606 - 624




Smart contracts are computing transaction programs running on the block-chain platform automatically, with Turing-completeness and immutability. The practice of smart contracts has brought great convenience to modern transactions and computing. However, the security problems have attracted the attention of researchers due to enormous financial losses caused by vulnerabilities in smart contracts. The existing tools increase the probability of exploring a common set of vulnerabilities using various static and dynamic methods, but they may rely on manually-defined rules. Thus they possess weak robustness due to the biased rules. In this work, we propose a vulnerability prediction approach based on machine learning, called SmartPredictor, which predicts five different types of vulnerabilities in smart contracts with explainable machine learning models. By learning the characteristics of vulnerable contracts according to features extracted from source codes and opcodes, SmartPredictor can effectively identify vulnerable functions with the well-trained XGBoost classifier instead of predefined rules. We compare SmartPredictor with three state-of-the-art tools on the dataset composed of 100 smart contract files. The evaluation results show that SmartPredictor performs better than the three baseline methods in terms of effectiveness in predicting smart contracts vulnerabilities. Furthermore, our approach is shown to outperform the vulnerability prediction methods based on machine learning, which improves an average of 11.05% and 8.09% on evaluation metric accuracy and F1-Measure respectively, and reduces 63.64% on prediction time on average.

主题分类 工程學 > 工程學綜合
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